Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_SHIPPING::SaveModuleSettings() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::SaveModuleSettings($settings = Array, $deleteFirst = true) in /home/eletrozonanorte/www/includes/classes/class.shipping.php on line 8
Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_SHIPPING::getpropertiessheet() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::GetPropertiesSheet($tab_id, $idGlobal, $jsGlobal, $jsSelectedFunction, $customVars = Array, $moduleId = NULL) in /home/eletrozonanorte/www/includes/classes/class.shipping.php on line 8
Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_NOTIFICATION::GetPropertiesSheet() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::GetPropertiesSheet($tab_id, $idGlobal, $jsGlobal, $jsSelectedFunction, $customVars = Array, $moduleId = NULL) in /home/eletrozonanorte/www/includes/classes/class.notification.php on line 0
Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_CHECKOUT_PROVIDER::GetPropertiesSheet() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::GetPropertiesSheet($tab_id, $idGlobal, $jsGlobal, $jsSelectedFunction, $customVars = Array, $moduleId = NULL) in /home/eletrozonanorte/www/includes/classes/class.checkoutprovider.php on line 0
Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_LIVECHAT::GetPropertiesSheet() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::GetPropertiesSheet($tab_id, $idGlobal, $jsGlobal, $jsSelectedFunction, $customVars = Array, $moduleId = NULL) in /home/eletrozonanorte/www/includes/classes/class.livechat.php on line 0
Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_ANALYTICS::GetPropertiesSheet() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::GetPropertiesSheet($tab_id, $idGlobal, $jsGlobal, $jsSelectedFunction, $customVars = Array, $moduleId = NULL) in /home/eletrozonanorte/www/includes/classes/ on line 0
Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_COMMENTS::getPropertiesSheet() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::GetPropertiesSheet($tab_id, $idGlobal, $jsGlobal, $jsSelectedFunction, $customVars = Array, $moduleId = NULL) in /home/eletrozonanorte/www/includes/classes/class.comments.php on line 0 DESCALCIFICANTE PARA CAFETEIRAS SAECO - ELETRO ZONA NORTE - Sua Loja Virtual de Eletrodoméstico da Zona Norte
Remove por completo qualquer vestígio de calcário, limpando os componentes da máquina.Nova fórmula. O único testado e aprovado pela Saeco, líder mundial em máquinas automáticas, para todas as máquinas Saeco. Prolonga o tempo de vida da máquina. Recomendada utilização trimestral.